The following stories have put me on the Girl Power warpath. Behold:
Kate Moss and her “unsightly bulge:
In a nice juxtaposition and pile of contradictory tosh, the anorexic Victoria Secrets model and her “plus size” (UK 8-10??) colleagues:
And, for the Brit chicks who aim for role models beyond the realms of Jordan and opt for a little conservative elegance, Sam Cam endorses a designer who only uses “skeletal” girls to model his work:
I talk in detail about these stories on episode 6 of the Jellyfielders Podcast, but my point is thus:
Why the pressure for such unhealthy and unattractive bodies in the name of fashion?
Why are these our supposed "role models"?
Why would any women strive to not only accomplish this for themselves, but do it to encourage ordinary, impressionable people that it's the right thing to do?
Come on now, what we're pressured into doing to our bodies is senseless, and what's more is that if you're not a good person then your image simply doesn't matter. I say that women should support women and find in each other what is naturally beautiful. Celebrate that we haven't starved away the brain cells that makes us successful and loved, rather than starve away muscles so we look good just before we collapse in a braindead heap.
Ladies, take care of each other. Because sometimes sisterhood is all you have left to fall back on.
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