Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Defying Gravity.

Something that I suppose is taken as common knowledge is the fact that in the world, one makes their own way, their own luck and for the most part it's up to them to make contacts who impact whatever it is you are doing - whether it's a career move, social move or something tied in with a hobby. Now and again though, it's important to remind yourself that self-motivation pays off.

Some time ago, and on a very drunken night (oh yeah, partaking in drunken wisdom words. That's how I roll.) I was having the usual job/graduate/it's all very unfair whinge with one of my best friends, and she very wisely (if slurringly) said to me; "You have to remember that something can always change. Never mind new years resolutions - a new thing could happen that year, or it could be that month, or week, or day, or hour, or minute, or second. Just make sure you make things happen."

She is right. If I had been sitting here waiting for a website to show me a nice job vacancy (of which there are none by the way - it's the end of the financial year and nothing will be along until April now), I'd be wasting lots of time and I'd be off my face with boredom.

Making little things happen - paid or otherwise (blatantly otherwise for most of us) - stops the long gap feel less like a waste of time. Write stuff, plan stuff, and most importantly do LOADS of networking. I can't stress enough how good it feels to create a stir somewhere, even if it's only temporary. During these last few weeks which have been so dead on the job front, I've made friends, got freebies to review and had people interested in doing some more freelance stuff with them. What's to lose? Yes, I'm definitely living for the weekdays where people are doing business and I'm working within the confines of my email inbox every damn second of the flippin' day... But if it's not someone asking me to a job interview, at least I can count on the fact that it'll still be something exciting.

Come on now. Get on it ;)

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