I really love words. I decided that today I would spread confabulation across my pretty page like a juicy lump of Lurpak on hot toast and make you smile. Plus, I think we've got some news to catch up on haven't we...
We'll start with news. My own self-promoting news, not that of worldwide importance (although I'd like to take this opportunity to give the citizens of Egypt a big fat virtual high five).
If you pop into the iTunes online store and type "Jellyfielders" into the search box, you'll find a delicious little podcast headed with the following badge:

This is where you can find my podcast debut plus episode 2, or just pop here towww.Jellyfielders.co.uk and have a listen. Here you can also sample the delights ofWhat Carly Hates by Miss Carly Ann Clements and Cake And Life by Miss Sam Sparrow.
So there's your task for the day. Go and enrich your ears.
Going home from work on Valentines day bestowed a nice sense of hilarity on the evening. Being the romance Scrooge that I am, I worked a late shift, and on the tube to Victoria was secretly a little satisfied that all the supposedly loved up couples heading out to somewhere fancy this February 14th mostly seemed to be really annoyed at each other. Evil? Yes. Bothered? No.
When I got to Victoria I popped to Boots to grab a drink, and stood at the till behind a girl buying what I can only be described as a mountain of contraceptive devices - because they were on offer. We must commend her for being incredibly sale savvy - being told by a very unimpressed Muslim lady that she couldn't get the 3 for 2 offer because she'd picked up the wrong box. The girl promptly went bright red, mumbled about going to get the right box of eighteen condoms, and tripped straight over her boyfriend on the back back to the isle. Teehee.
As my train platform still wasn't showing up, I took a seat on the bench next to the West Cornwall Pasty kiosk. Out of the corner of my eye, I spied a pigeon attempting to stalk me. Upon closer inspection, it turns out that the bird (who I have since named Barry) was in fact sat on the floor keeping his ears warm next to the pasty oven, and gradually dozing off. He was my most favourite pigeon ever.
Just thought I'd try and bring a little smile to your face :)
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