Sunday, 20 March 2011

OH the suspense!

Lovely readers, before a lovely splurge of posts commences over the next few days, I need to make you aware of a couple of things so that it's all a bit less confusing.

The first is thus: I am a twit. I accidentally wiped the entire three-year-long contents of my blog last week. It has taken some time to retrieve my work after I got over the initial shock. What is on here now is the majority of my posts from this year, so it may look a little more sparse than before. I can only apologise, and assure you that I REALLY learnt my lesson. Back-bloody-everything-up.

Secondly: You're about to be updated on my Cornish adventures. You will laugh. You will cry. You will have an irresistible craving for scones, clotted cream and jam. Enjoy.

Watch this space, by the end of today there'll be some entertaining little stories, and by the end of the week there'll be a ton of them.

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