If I were a musician, I'd put these words to a tune.
I could play a guitar, hit every steel string with a swish
Look the part sat on a stool in front of a microphone
Absorbed in every strum, being an artist.
Or I could play the flute or violin or a harp as if I'd been born to do it
A talented woman making beautiful music for the beautiful people.
I could say the words out loud, but I just never would.
I could tell you about being one of the ones who gets lonely in a big crowd
And then I would tell you more that you haven't heard in cliche's or seen written in a book or haemorrhaged from the mouth of everyone who tries to show that they have a problem, because that's what they've heard people say before.
About the haunting feeling of an almighty, strong wind blowing you over and rolling you towards the edge of a cliff
Clutching at the grass which gives and gives
And every new patch you grasp to keep you stable and safe is a stab of fresh realisation that you're just inches from the brink. All the time. While an icy breeze flies at your face, blinding icy shards, and your body taking a battering and the fear in you heightening until you feel queazy and crazy and worry you wont be the same again.
Because a bottled smile doesn't make a person.
If I could write music, I'd give you an anthem about heartbreak
That can go deeper than a cut administered by the sharpest knife.
I'd give you a tune that holds a verse that tells a story
About someone I once knew
A person who I think about every day
Who makes me so angry that blood runs cold and tears slide hot from glassy green eyes
Who I will never see again
To make them see
What they made me see
And who breaks my heart afresh every single day because they've gone and they can't come back from where they are now. Peaceful. Happy. A memory.
If my best friend came to me and told me that all of this ran through their mind and changed them
I would tell them to step into a studio
Smell the acid of plastic and metal and new static carpet
And look like an artist
And write a song all about it.
And I'll watch through the soundproof window.
Because this is your moment.

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